Monday, February 8, 2016

Getting Older, Getting Better?

By Rosalind Davis
They warned me it would happen, but I refused to believe.  Then one day it came about.  It was so stealth, so unassuming, that it took me by surprise.  It was an ordinary Saturday, two days before my fiftieth birthday.  I went to the mailbox and opened it.  There with the water bill, an advertisement from a local accountant (it is tax time after all) and an LL Bean catalog, was a piece of mail wishing me a “Happy Birthday”.  The return address indicated it was from Washington, D.C.  Interesting.  Was it from the President?  Perhaps my local representative?  I was excited.  Up until this point the only birthday card that came for me was from my Chiropractor.  Carefully I opened it.  Then it popped out like snakes in a can!   Slowly, it dawned on me what the words spelled and they hit me like a two ton hammer: A-A-R-P.


How did they know?  Do they have some sort of old age spy unit out there detecting when the populous turns 50?  The mailer was my invitation to join, and if I join today I receive a free gift.  What is it?  A can of strained peas?  A bottle of Geritol?  Happy birthday indeed.


  1. So you turned 50, congrats! AARP knows all, and you will join the cult. The travel savings alone may just be worth it. Welcome to your 50's, Ros-i-land! They are a blast of undiscovered youthfulness!

    1. Thank you Mr. Roth. I have been told that my life is just beginning. Those that told me this have already completed their 50's, so I guess I should mind my elders.

    2. Elder......yeah right. Just a year ahead of you.

  2. 7 of 9.....or perhaps 49 of 50 in your case.
